Are you getting ready to visit family for the holidays? Are you headed on your first vacation with a baby? Traveling with a baby feels complicated and scary. You don’t want to forget something essential! You want your baby to be happy so that you can enjoy your trip.
Taking your baby on a trip doesn’t have to be scary or complicated. It should be an exciting, fun time for your family! All of our tips lead to one thing and one motto to remember – be prepared. If you take the time to be prepared, you will have a successful trip! Let’s look at the best tips for traveling with a baby and the must have items for traveling you need to take with you!
1Be Prepared with Snacks and Fluids
Be Prepared with Snacks and Fluids
If your baby is six months and older, be sure to pack plenty of nonperishable snacks and fluids. Keeping your baby hydrated is important, especially if you are flying. Airplanes tend to have dry air. Make sure you bring a sippy cup and several bottles. When you fly, babies need to suck on something to help relieve air pressure that can clog their ears.
2Bring Extra Clothes and Diapers
Bring Extra Clothes and Diapers
Your baby may never have diaper explosions at home, but be sure it will happen when you are traveling. Baby might have an explosion because his diaper is compressed in the car seat, or motion sickness could cause him to vomit. You just never know.
If you are traveling by plane, dress your baby in several layers so that you can take them off if your baby is too hot or keep them if your baby is cold. A cold (or hot) baby is a crying baby.
Want to know more before purchasing? See our review of The Best Infant Car Seats where we mention everything that you need to know about this model.
3Get an Extra Seat on an Airplane – If Possible
Get an Extra Seat on an Airplane – If Possible
You don’t have to buy an extra airplane ticket for your baby under two years old. They are allowed to sit on your lap. However, the American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP) and the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) say that a baby is safer in a child restraint system. Most infant car seats are approved for airplanes, but double check to ensure it is. It will be in the car seat manual!
That does mean you will need to purchase an additional plane ticket, which may be cost prohibitive. Look to see if the airlines offer discounts for traveling children.
4Remember His Sleep Cues and Associations
Remember His Sleep Cues and Associations
Bring your child’s favorite toy, stuffed animal, blanket, or pillow. Baby needs to be comfortable and cozy, just like he would be at home when it’s time for bed. Think about what your child associates with bedtime so that you can give him the same cues that its time for sleep. If you always read two books, bring several. If he likes to have lotion at bedtime, make sure it’s with you as well.
When you’re traveling to your destination, remember to have sunshades for the car or pull down the shade on an airplane.
5Pack Plenty of Toys
Pack Plenty of Toys
You’ll be busy when you travel and are at your new destination, but toddlers and babies still need toys. Remember to bring his favorite ones. You might want to scoop up a few new toys as well for excitement! Bringing his favorites is important though because it makes your child feel secure and familiar.
6Grab Some New Treats or Activities
Grab Some New Treats or Activities
Now is the time to try out something different for your child like an activity. Your baby might like a little sensory board with new textures to feel. You might want to grab a few new treats that you think will be a hit. All of these things help speed up the time and keep your baby happy rather than angry!
7Schedule Around Sleep Times
Schedule Around Sleep Times
If possible, consider scheduling your trips around your child’s sleep time. You can get your baby into his pajamas as soon as he gets on the airplane on into his car seat. Bring all the sleep cues possible and keep your fingers crossed he sleeps for a long stretch or two!
8Try to Limit Trip Times
Try to Limit Trip Times
Getting to your destination that is 12 hours away in one day sounds great in theory, and it works for adults, but children are little people. Sitting for long periods of time isn’t healthy for them, and they’re likely to get extremely agitated. 6 to 8 hours of traveling is about the maximum amount of time you want to keep your little baby in the car.
9Take Frequent Breaks
Take Frequent Breaks
If you’re driving, you want to try to plan stops along the way that are safe, public, and allow you to walk around. If you can find a turnpike, those typically have tons of rest stops along the way. If not, do your planning ahead of time and mark your desired stops.
Get everyone out of the car for these stops, even the baby. Bring a blanket if your baby isn’t mobile and allow him to lay on the blanket to stretch freely. Being confined in a seated position for hours isn’t comfortable, and his little body needs to stretch to feel better!
10Bring a Lightweight Stroller
Bring a Lightweight Stroller
Large strollers take up a lot of space in your vehicle, and they might be hard to check onto an airplane. Nowadays, lightweight strollers offer all of the bells and whistles you would want just in a smaller form. You will want a lightweight stroller, even if you are heading to the beach. It’s convenient and helps keep you cool in the hot sun.
11Make a Safe Play Area
Make a Safe Play Area
When you get to your destination, create a safe play area for your toddler or mobile baby. Most hotels or vacation homes aren’t set up for your baby to explore safely. It’s a great idea to bring some items, like plug covers, with you.
A playard is a great item to bring with you because you can let your baby play without needing to worry that he will get injured or break something. Many styles of playards can go out on the beach with you or taken outside! They don’t have to break the bank.
12Create a Comfortable Sleeping Area
Create a Comfortable Sleeping Area
Sleeping is one of the most challenging problems you will face while on vacation. Many babies like to sleep in the same space. Babies are creatures of habit, so you have to work towards creating a comfortable, yet safe, sleeping area for your baby.
A pack and play is one of the best choices for portable sleeping areas for infants. You will want to bring a few other things for sleep, such as:
- Two sets of pack and play sheets – babies love to make messes!
- Blankets
- Noise machine
- Nightlight
- Wearable blanket
- Comfortable sleep clothes
13Babywear Often
Babywear Often
Traveling is one of the best times to babywear. Your baby is out of his comfort zone, and he may feel tired more often. Babywearing gives your child the opportunity to take a nap if he feels sleepy. An overstimulated child often wants to be worn to relax and decompress. They can snuggle into mom and ignore the world. It’s a great tool to bring with you!
If you are headed to the beach, consider a water sling. These slings are meant to be worn in the water and they dry fast. Most offer UV protection. That lets you take your baby into the pool or ocean when you need to watch your older kids as well.
14Plan Dinners Earlier Rather Than Later
Plan Dinners Earlier Rather Than Later
When you go on vacation, it’s always better to plan to go to dinner earlier rather than later. First, you beat the dinner crowd and wait time. Most restaurants are packed between 6 to 8 PM at vacation destinations. Instead, try to get there between 4:30 and 5:30 PM. Many places offer early bird specials – SCORE! You also won’t have to wait as long. A long wait leads to your hungry child breaking down.
This means you should plan to have snacks at the hotel before bedtime. It’s worth it!
Also, You can read more about Quick Tips to Mastering How to Clean Graco Car Seat.
15Bring More Clothes Than You Anticipate
Bring More Clothes Than You Anticipate
Babies love to make a mess when you don’t anticipate it. Chances are you will need more clothes than you planned. Aim for two or three outfits per day. It’s always better to have more than you need. Otherwise, someone is either going to the store for new clothes or finding the nearest laundromat.
You may love to read more about Everything You Have to know about Car Seat.
If your housing facility has included laundry, you don’t have to worry so much!
Remember that, unless you are headed to Africa, chances are you will have a store close-by, like a Walmart. If you happen to forget extra wipes or not have enough diapers, you can easily head to the store. You aren’t on a safari. If you are, that’s a whole other story!
Think about your child’s daily life and the items you use daily. You will need diapering, bathing, and feeding supplies. If you use it every day or every other day, you need to bring it.
Don’t overstress. Make a list, stick to it, and have a great trip. Your baby will too!